
This lecture takes you through ultra sound scanning as a tool for optimizing feeding in the last third of gestation according to amount of fetuses  and as an assessment of body composition in live animals.
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01:01:55 total

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0 pages


1 challenge


1 Certificates
Lesson series sheep farming
Lesson series goat farming

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I'm glad I can still learn through this online platform. It offers both video and audio options. It's nice being able to see the explanation in video format.
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School is going well and I am learning a lot. We have regular teachers who teach us well. I like the e-learning program because there are questions and detailed explanations.
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Without going to school, I would have no job in the future. If I didn't go to school, I'd have to work on my parents' farm. In the future, I hope to become a teacher. 
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Created by

Jeanette Johnsen

M. Sc.
Jeanette holds a masters degree in animal science from the University of Copenhagen Life Science from the year 2000. 

She teaches animal science, agribusiness at and how to use social media at FarmingAcademy.eu where she is also the founder, CEO and Editor in Cheif.

She can be reached at jj@farmingacademy.eu and +4550541995 on WhatsApp.